Shamans (Curanderos)

The noted ethnologist Mircea Eliade poetically describes shamans as “technicians of the sacred” because they mediate between the world of mortals and spirits. “Shaman”  or Curandero in Spanish is the term for an Indian tribal leader that actually performs a number of functions for the tribe including artist, healer, magician, priest, and storyteller. (Ref.) In Ayahuasca ceremonies, they guide individuals on their journeys into the spirit world and help converse with the spirits in the altered state of consciousness.

Following are bios of local Curanderos that guide ceremony at Living Earth Center:

Curandera Olga Mori Diaz
Olga is a native Shipibo from the community of Calleria on the lower Ucayali.  She comes from a long lineage of healers.  Her interest in becoming a healer herself ignited as she witnessed the powerful healings her grandparents shared with the community.    She is  an  member of the Peruvian Amazon Indigenous Woman’s Organization.  Olga is an incredible healer with unconditional love and powerful Icaros.  She offers  energy work and massage to guests to further integrate their healing process.  She also offers private consultations as well as a variety of plant medicines for healing physical ailments.
Curanderos Jorge Mawa Awanari and Luzmila Mori Diaz 
Jorge & Luzmila, husband and wife, have both been practicing curanderismo since their adolescence.  Jorge is originally from the village of Poh Yon and Luzmila from the village of Calleria along the Ucayali River.  Their vast knowledge in medicinal plants lends itself towards great healing and transformation at Tierra Vida.  They both are very strong healers and together as a team is something very special to be experienced.  Their powerful icaros and caring nature are a blessing to have in ceremony.

Curandero Antonio Davila Ruiz

Antonio Ruiz is a Konibo-Shipibo native from the area of Rio Pisque.  Antonio has been healing with Madre Ayahuasca for over 60 years.  He began learning with his grandfather in his adolescent years and has spent most of his life curing those in need in his native region.  Antonio is a Master Curandero whose humble nature during ceremonies provides a very warm and safe environment where his beautiful icaros are sung.

 Curanderos Leonardo & Bima Inuma Pezo

 We are very fortunate to be working with this family of healers.   Leonardo, with the help of his son Bima, have been healing with the medicine in their local community for many years.  Their loving energies greatly facilitate the guiding of our guests journeys in ceremony.  Their blend of traditional Shipibo and Quechua icaros are a delight to listen to.  They also offer massage and energy work throughout the ceremonies.